
superior yield Learn more about superior yield

  • Yumai 25 superior line

    Yumai 25 superior line

    Variety source: Wang Huanying, the first breed of Wenmai series. Characteristics: weak spring, large spike and large grain, early maturity, plant height 85cm, rectangular panicle, 30-400000 spikes, 45 grains per ear, grain weight about 45g, strong lodging resistance and good comprehensive characters. Yield performance: 97mur98 regional trial yielded 609kg per mu, breeding field yield 562 kg per mu, 568.4kg per mu, breeding field yield 563kg per mu. Cultivation points: suitable for most species in Huang-Huai wheat region

  • Characteristics of fertilizer requirement and fertilization techniques and time for superior yield of sugar beet in China

    Characteristics of fertilizer requirement and fertilization techniques and time for superior yield of sugar beet in China

    Sugarbeet is an important sugar crop. From spring sowing to autumn root harvest is the vegetative growth stage, which has developed roots, luxuriant leaf clusters, high yield per unit area and large nutrient requirements. Second year mother

    2020-11-09 China Sugar beet Fertilizer requirement Characteristics and Superior yield Fertilization Technology
  • Six measures to make soybean high yield and high efficiency

    Six measures to make soybean high yield and high efficiency

    The combination of superior seed and good method. While planting existing high-yield and high-quality soybean varieties in the project area, new and excellent varieties such as Jidou 12, Handou 3, Ji Huang 13 and Japanese high-oil soybeans were introduced by means of introduction, demonstration and popularization according to local conditions. as a result, the coverage rate of superior varieties in the soybean project area has reached 100%, laying the foundation for the matching of superior varieties and good methods. Seed dressing with molybdenum fertilizer can improve the seed setting rate. In high soybean producing areas, 3 grams of ammonium molybdate and water were diluted into 2% solution and 1 kg soybean seeds per mu. According to multi-point tests, the use of molybdenum

  • Characteristics of Mulberry Fertilizer Requirement and Fertilization Technique and Time for Superior Yield in China

    Characteristics of Mulberry Fertilizer Requirement and Fertilization Technique and Time for Superior Yield in China

    Mulberry fertilizer needs characteristics of our country and optimal yield fertilization technology, time: mulberry is perennial deciduous woody plants, many times a year to pick leaves sericulture, from the soil to take away a lot of nutrients. Therefore, mulberry trees need a lot of nutrients, about 1.5~ 100 kg of fresh mulberry leaves need nitrogen.

    2020-11-09 China Mulberry fertilizer requirement characteristics and superior yield fertilization technology
  • The New Rice Variety "Fengliangyou 1" shows obvious superiority.

    The New Rice Variety

    The Ministry of Agriculture held an acceptance summary meeting of the "pilot Action on Science and Technology Promotion of Comprehensive Rice production capacity" in the project area of Anhui Province. Yang Xiongnian, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Liao Xiyuan, deputy director of the China Rice Research Institute, and relevant experts participated in the acceptance activities. The acceptance results showed that the 1002 mu "Fengliangyou 1" rice varieties in the core demonstration area had balanced growth, moderate growth period, beautiful growth, good ripening phase and no diseases, insect pests and weeds. The average yield per mu is 656.8 kg, 16.3% higher than that of similar varieties in non-project areas. This item "

  • The price advantage is obvious. The sown area of superior wheat increases.

    The price advantage is obvious. The sown area of superior wheat increases.

    The sowing of winter wheat in the main producing areas has basically ended. Recently, the reporter investigated the sowing of winter wheat in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other provinces. Up to now, the planting of winter wheat in the main producing areas is nearing completion, of which Henan and other provinces have finished sowing. Broadcast from the main producing area

    2016-01-10 Price advantage obvious superior wheat sown area increase main producing area
  • What problems should be paid attention to in the cultivation of walnut trees?

    What problems should be paid attention to in the cultivation of walnut trees?

    What problems should be paid attention to in the cultivation of walnut trees? In the cultivation of walnut trees, we should pay attention to the following problems: walnuts are widely distributed in China, ranging from southern Liaoning in the north to northern Fujian in the south, Shandong and Zhejiang in the east, Qinghai, * and Sichuan in the west. The elevation can be normal in the case of 500m-2500m.

  • Characteristics of fertilizer requirement for sugarcane and fertilization techniques and time for optimum yield in China

    Characteristics of fertilizer requirement for sugarcane and fertilization techniques and time for optimum yield in China

    Characteristics of fertilizer requirement for sugarcane in China and fertilization techniques and time for superior yield: sugarcane yield is high and fertilizer requirement is large. According to local measurements, the average absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium per 100 kg of raw cane is 1.7~2.1 kg, 0.4~0.6 kg and 2.0~2.7 kg, respectively. Different growth stages of sugarcane

    2020-11-09 China sugarcane fertilizer requirement characteristics and superior yield fertilization technology
  • Preliminary establishment of breeding technology system of resin pine in China

    Preliminary establishment of breeding technology system of resin pine in China

    A few days ago, the breeding technology system of Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii, jointly established by Yalin Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry in conjunction with Guangxi Academy of Forestry and Fujian Academy of Forestry, was examined and approved by the Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry Administration. This marks the initial establishment of a breeding technology system for resin pine in China.

    2016-03-20 China preliminary establishment resin pine breeding technology system a few days ago
  • The rice products of Oriental seed Industry broke three world records.

    The rice products of Oriental seed Industry broke three world records.

    At a time when we were worried about national food security, news came from Fujian Dongfang seed Industry Co., Ltd., they used new special germplasm resources Donghui 6, Donghui 1728 and Donghui 4886 strong superior restorer lines to form new super rice varieties IIyou 6, IIyou 28 and II you 4886, and achieved a historic breakthrough in rice yield per mu of more than 1200 kg. For three consecutive years in 2004, 2005 and 2006, the yield was 1219.9 kg and 1229 respectively.

  • Cotton species avoid peeling peach blossoms.

    Cotton species avoid peeling peach blossoms.

    According to the data tested by the seed management department, the germination rate of some cotton species in recent years is only about 60%, which is still a far cry from the national standard of 80% germination rate. According to a large number of investigations, the reasons for the low germination rate of cottonseed are as follows: first, harvesting immature peach blossoms; second, purchasing "human flowers" with large water content; third, mixed with diseased seeds of rotten cotton peaches; fourth, cottonseed entered the warehouse without fully drying; fifth, it contains some broken cottonseed during processing; sixth, the content of residual acid in coated cottonseed is high; seventh, it is not strictly divided.

  • Introduce three bright red commercial pears

    Introduce three bright red commercial pears

    The following three bright red commercial pears are the second generation superior varieties after Hongxiang Cake, which are jointly bred by China and New Zealand. 1, all over the sky red: mature in mid-September, single fruit weighs 294 grams, large 394 grams, nearly round or flat round, full fruit face rich red, color, looks like red apple, meat white, meat crisp, juicy sweet, high quality, etc., soluble solids content 12%, high yield. 2. Beauty cake: matured in mid-September, the fruit weighs about 200 grams and the maximum is 350 grams.

  • A New excellent Variety of Apricot-- Kate Apricot

    A New excellent Variety of Apricot-- Kate Apricot

    Kate apricot (Kdty) was introduced from California in 1991. Through the regional experiment of Tongxu County Fruit Tree and vegetable Research Institute in Henan Province for several years, isolated propagation and multi-point demonstration, it is proved that the apricot has high quality, high yield, high efficiency and extra-large fruit type. Kate apricot grows strongly and the crown is formed fast. it was planted in that year and bear fruit in 2 years. The tree is moderate in potential, with high quality, high yield and stable yield. Wide adaptability, cold resistance, heat resistance and drought resistance. The seed setting rate of self-flowering is high, and it is generally not necessary to match with planting and pollination varieties. Superior in management

  • Principle and technique of high yield of fish culture in static soil and water ponds

    Principle and technique of high yield of fish culture in static soil and water ponds

    Principle and technique of high yield of fish culture in static soil and water ponds

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Sugarcane

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Sugarcane

    As we all know, sugarcane is rich in sugar and water, which is the raw material used to make sugar and has high economic value. So, what are the high-yield cultivation techniques of sugarcane? 1. Select a superior variety to plant sugarcane, according to the planting area

    2020-11-08 Sugarcane high yield cultivation techniques we all know sugarcane
  • Chuanza 11 (Cotton)

    Chuanza 11 (Cotton)

    Approved by Sichuan Province in 1999. A cumulative promotion of 85000 mu. The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: it was bred by Cotton Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences with self-bred double-resistant genic male sterile line Kang A2 as female parent and F10 superior line 2069 of Mexican semi-wild cotton (Sichuan 73-27x Mexican cotton). (2) characteristics: mid-precocious hybrid, plant high school, etc. (about 88 meters), the whole plant is tower-shaped, the first fruit branch node is low (4-6 nodes), strong boll setting, smooth boll production, 43% sample size.

  • Pay attention to five points in raising onion seedlings.

    Pay attention to five points in raising onion seedlings.

    First, the superior varieties can be selected in production, such as Ziyu No. 1, Ziyu No. 2, Zixing, Shuanghuanhong and so on. These varieties have the characteristics of strong spicy taste, high yield, good quality and suitable for export. These varieties generally have a yield of about 5000 kg per mu, and the yield of high-yield plots can reach 7500 kg per mu. Two.

  • Nandou 99 (soybean)

    Nandou 99 (soybean)

    (1) Variety source: it is a variant superior plant selected by the Oil Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences introduced by Nanchong Institute of Agricultural Sciences from Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1989 (original code 92001-03). (2) characteristics: the plant height was about 60cm, and the whole plant was born for 113d. Main stem 13.4 nodes, 2.2-3.7 branches, leaves lanceolate, medium size, dark green. Purple flowers, gray hairs, limited podding habits. The pods are dense, the number of pods per plant is 78.3 pods, and the pods are evenly distributed above and below each pod.

  • Bacterial fertilizer for garlic shows remarkable effect in seedling stage.

    Bacterial fertilizer for garlic shows remarkable effect in seedling stage.

    Jinxiang County, Shandong Province is a well-known "hometown of garlic". In Jinxiang, the perennial planting area of garlic is more than 33000 hectares, ranking first among counties (cities) in the country, and is known as the "garlic capital of China". Due to the superior local natural conditions, the average yield of garlic reaches more than 1200kg per 667m2, with the highest reaching 3000kg. Jinxiang garlic accounts for 70% of the country's total garlic exports, and there is a saying that "the world garlic looks at China, and Chinese garlic looks at Jinxiang." The people of Jinxiang also rely on planting.

  • The fruit of trees is in the first chapter of walnut project.

    The fruit of trees is in the first chapter of walnut project.

    By adopting the model of "company, ten bases and ten farmers", by introducing excellent varieties that meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets, combining with the latest scientific and technological achievements of forestry scientific research and scientific planting, Waite Company has developed 200000 mu of high-quality walnut base in Shanxi Province. In order to achieve superior varieties.

    2020-11-27 Shusheng fruit in engineering one walnut chapter take " company ten